Monday, May 30, 2011

New series; Instant Monday (my instagram addiction)

Happy Monday friends

I got a new addiction...I love it! It´s called Instagram and it´s an Iphone app. It´s a camera feature that lets you snap a picture with your phone and then put different layers over it, so if you like to make it look like a retro picture you can or you can keep it untouched. It also has a tilt-shift feature, which is just awesome! The great thing is that instagram is connected to an online community a bit like flickr, so as soon as you snap your photo you upload it to your own personal photo stream in an instant! You can also upload directly to Facebook, twitter, tumblr ect. I decided to use this feature as a way to keep a personal visual diary as I´m no good with writing - it´s perfect for me. And I get to see many great images from around the world...I mean...what´s not to like? 


I love instagram so much, that I decided to do a whole new series about it; I call it Instant Monday and big surprise it will be here on the blog every In this series I will show you my favorite instagram pictures of the week so you can be inspired and see who to follow if you yourself is on instagram. I´ll also show some of my own photos and give you tips on how to use instagram and how to get better iphone pictures. Instagram has a website and an Ipad edition as well, so you can see the pictures in a larger size or watch as a slideshow. If you like to "meet" me on instagram search for christinagreve or find me here on webstagram.


I can´t believe there is so many great Iphoneographers out there, it´s amazing! I feel very inspired by them. This truly proof that it´s not the camera and equipment that make the photographer - it´s the eye and creative mind of the shooter. If you are on instagram feel free to post your profile name or link in comment area. See you there :-)

And one of my own from this week, taken in a cafe down town (Aarhus, Denmark) early one morning, when I went for brunch.