Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Shutter Divas; week 29; JUMP

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The new assignment for The Shutter Divas this coming week is fun and simple. You will have a great chance to practice shooting in manual if you like. A jump means action! Photograph a friend, a child, yourself or a pet jumping on something, jumping off something or into something. Action can result in blurry movements. To avoid this try and shoot in shutter priority mode, shown as TV on your camera settings. Play with different settings to freeze the jump - the higher the shutter speed the more it will freeze the movement. If you are a beginner you can shoot in auto and set your camera to shoot many pictures right after each other, then properly you will get lucky and get some good ones :-) And if you like you can play with the movement being blurred as an effect. It can look amazing too.

Have fun ladies!

xoxo, Christina

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