Friday, June 24, 2011


This week has been mildly hectic.
The kids started swimming lessons 4 days a week, a bout of the flu swept through our house and potty training is still in full swing. That's a whole lotta bodily fluids finding their way to our carpets and furniture, which is why I spent the better part of yesterday steam cleaning everything.

The shots I had for today just didn't make the cut and I had neither the time nor energy to redo them, so I'm scrapping those and sharing some shots I took yesterday of delicious red raspberries.


These shots look exactly how I envisioned them when I was picking out my berries at the store!
It has been quite some time since the vision in my mind and the final image on my computer matched.
And boy, does it feel nice!


and then, she {snapped}

If you Like me on Facebook, you've likely seen these shots along with a few alternative edits.
And if you follow me on Twitter, then you've likely heard about them. ;)


I hope they are worth all the hype.

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday