Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fetching Water

Remember waaaay back when I said I'd be taking a step back from blogging? At the time I didn't realize that in bloggerland that essentially meant stepping off a cliff. Well, I've finally mustered the strength and made the grueling climb back to bloggerland...ok, so that last sentence was for effect only. There was no climbing involved.

My hope is that I can get back to the daily blogging schedule and photo challenge participation level I once was at, but I'm not going to make any promises. ...although I am on a roll...I've posted every single day in June! ;)

So, enough yappin'!
Today I'm participating in Texture Thursday for the first time ever with Audrey at The Daily Wyatt...

For this shot I have added a Kim Klassen texture and ran PW's Seventies action 1.5 times.

Fetching Water

The Daily Wyatt