Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New series: Instant Monday (instagram and iphone photography)

One apple a day.....

Mr. DJ and I had 19 years anniversary...

If you are sitting there thinking that it´s Tuesday and not Monday...yes, you are so right! It´s just that I was so busy yesterday that my instant Monday series now is instant Tuesday...at least this week...smile :-)
Risskov Neighbourhood

Studio stuff

Better late than never right, yay! This is my new series which is all about my new addiction INSTAGRAM and Iphone photography. Instagram is an app you can download, it snaps pictures which you then can add filters to so it looks retro/vintage. Istagram come with an online personal stream,  it´s kind of the same as flickr - you upload your snapshot directly to your stream and then your followers can se it instantly. Hey you can even upload directly to flickr, facebook, twitter and tumblr.

Grandma´s homemade cake

Wonderful day at the beach

Instagram lets you be playful and creative without NO pressure of creating the perfect flawless picture. This is simply a fun way to have a good time and share all the things in your life that makes you smile.
Personally I use instagram as a way to keep a diary - I never shoot everyday snapshots witn my canon, I simply forget, but I always have my iphone with me and in 1, 2, 3, I can snap whatever I like. You can read more about instagram in last weeks post right here.

My baby boy Marco

Me - just finished a job in the studio

In my last post about instagram I presented pictures from different users of instagram, pictures I had fallen in love with during the week. Unfortunally it turned out that two of the people who I folllowed and featured had stolen the photos they claimed to be theirs. So I no longer follow them and have taken these pictures away from my last post. I´m so sorry that there are people out there who claim other peoples work to be theirs....get a life!

Two is better than one...

My dog Simba resting in the afternoon sun

Okay, that being said...let´s move on as I have some great tips for you today, to make much better Iphone pictures..whoohoo..

This week I have tried and tested different apps and tricks. I really like the photoshop app version which is free, with this you can controle exposure, brightness, hue, saturation and you can crop and sharpen. All with a simple touch off your finger. Look for this app:

On the picture below I used the photoshop app to brighten and sharpen.

Favorite flowers in the dinning room

Another  fave is the tilt-shift-focus app, which I use to create some fun and cool effects. I used this in the picture below. Look for this app:

Favorite gallery shot from a balcony at Hotel Royal (used tilt/shift)

I will also recommend the app called 100 cameras which now works very well with your instagram account. This gives you many great ways to create fun amazing photos. Look for this app:

When you use 100 cameras you can save your images to your camera roll and then go to your instagram app to upload it directly to your stream.

Roof top view over my city Aarhus

That´s all ladies...now go and play with your phone camera and have fun...if you wanna find me on instagram just look for @christinagreve :-)

See you there!

xoxo, Christina