Friday, June 10, 2011

Pool Time

Recently we had our roof replaced, thanks to a crazy hail storm a couple months ago. And at some point during the roofing process our glass patio table top was shattered. The company definitely made things right (seems like we're on a roll with excellent customer service lately!) but for the time being we have no furniture for our deck.

And the kids are lovin' it!
Because it means that we now have room for our small blow-up pool! I don't think there could be a better spot for it - our deck gets the morning sunlight and then is shaded in the hot afternoons. Plus, we have hangers for plants attached to our house, which serve as perfect spots to hang the swim suits out to dry! ;)




And since we normally do not go swimming, we really don't have any pool toys to speak of, so the kids improvise. An air pump, for example, can easily be turned into a water gun!


...of course, plain ol' splashing is always a fine choice.



This last shot is my choice for Foto Friday's action theme!