Monday, June 13, 2011

Scavenger Hunt - Here, There, Everywhere

1. Long Exposure
This is from the archives. There. I said it.
I was hoping to get out and shoot the night sky, but that just didn't happen in time, so instead I'm sharing light-writing!

In case you're wondering, here's how I did this:
I went to our super dark basement (or any room at night will do!) put my camera on a shelf, set my shutter speed at around 10 seconds or so, then used a flashlight to write my word....I wrote mine out normally, so it ended up being backwards in my camera, but I just flipped to around when editing. I also added the pink hue to my edited version! :)

2. Shapes
I found these terra cotta whatever-they-ares piled back by the bean field at my grandparents' home.

3. Green
This shot is of the leaves from the clematis in our backyard. I did a purple abstract shot for my Scripture & a Snapshot meme. And shared some macros on Saturday.

4. Fruit
Fresh strawberries. 'Nuf said.


5. Childhood Memory
These are just a small sampling of the children's books at my grandparents' house. I wish that I could share with you the musty-sweet aroma that rolls out of the cabinet when opened. That aged book smell makes me smile with fond memories every time!