Friday, July 15, 2011

At the Farmstead


Yesterday I took the kids to a local children's farmstead. 
We go multiple times per year. {because it's free!}

But this time we fished. 
I hope my children know how much I love them, because slimy wiggly worms and my bare hands is not my idea of a good time. Let alone putting them on a hook. But I manned-up and did it!

{When we were all done, I set up the shot above. I absolutely love it.
...the old pole, the pale of worms, the ducks, the wooden bench, the weeping willow...
I couldn't have asked for better props!}

{for this shot I ran PTM's Heart and Soul action x2}

  and then, she {snapped}   Favorite Fridays at Skinned Knees


However, I must not know how to put a worm on a hook properly, because the fish would eat the worms right off the hook with ease.

This is the closest we came to a catch.



They also have little goats that can be bottle fed.
So we did that too.
This guy was a bit ornery...but you probably already knew that by the look in his eye.
You can't tell from this shot, but he was standing on a tree stump...which made it much easier to nibble at people's shirts!

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk PhotoStory Friday   Photobucket