Saturday, July 16, 2011

Scavenger Hunt - Just the Girls

1. Black & White
I showed Rowan how to make the "I love you" sign once and now she does it all the time.
I love it!

2. Reflections in Glass
This is an old photo.
{Jenn, I'm sure you remember it 'cause you've seen every single photo I've shot in the last 3 years and seem to remember them all! :)}
The sky was reflected in the car windows which was reflected in the side mirror.

3. Headlights
This is an old photo too.
And while it was taken last fall, the air certainly feels this thick with the humidity we're currently experiencing.

4. Seeing Double
To get this I simply overlapped two nearly-identical shots.
{please excuse my bad hair and lack of make up.}

5. Bare
This was not my first idea...or even my second at that, but who can resist tiny little bare feet?!