Saturday, July 16, 2011

Scripture & a Snapshot {Week 43}


luke 12-25 26

luke 12-31

This little babe caused me a lot of worry over the past few days.
Her big toe somehow got a pretty icky infection which caused it to swell up about double it's size and give her a 102+ temperature.

All the while, I kept being brought back to this verse and reminded that my worrying will not do anyone any good. And it certainly would not make Rowan's toe better. It would not enhance my life or the lives around me, and so I put my trust in God.

Once I did that, He led me to an amazing after-hours pediatricians office that's not only amazingly friendly, but dare I say loving! {and they're open until 10pm on weekdays, which is awesome.}

We saw a wonderful doctor who knew what this was immediately.
She said it's a common thing and can be triggered by hang nails.
{Whodda thunk it?}
So for the next 9 days Rowan will be on some disgusting smelling {and looking} antibiotic, warm foot baths {which does not sound bad at all!} and Tylenol. 

And I am praising GOD for giving us just what we needed!

...and for those of you who also now have this song stuck in your head, here it is!
There's an image of Jesus hugging someone as they enter heaven towards the end that I think is really powerful.
Just think, that could be you one long as you choose it.


Want to join in this challenge?
Here's how to participate:

1. Select a scripture.
My hope is that each week you will search your Bible and select a verse that has meaning for you.
Here's a link to a good Bible verse search engine.

2. Add a photo to it.
I hope that you will chose a photo that goes with your chosen scripture, and not just throw these two elements together. The photo can be from your archives or a new shot. Please only use your own photos. You can have the scripture on your photo, below it, make a collage - however you want, as long as the two elements are together!

3. Put the Scripture & a Snapshot button in your post.
You won't be deleted or banned if you don't. It just helps spread the word...and the Word. ;) 

It also helps visitors from the blog hop quickly identify your Scripture & a Snapshot post.

4. Come back here and link up your post. 
Please link directly to your Scripture & A Snapshot post, not the home page of your blog.