Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Let´s get very personal.... a list about me

Me, just finished a photo shoot with a client.

* I drove my mothers Mini car down a hill when I was 4 and crashed - did not get one broken bone.
* My husband is my everything, can´t function without him. We are a true love story.
* My golden retreiver is named Simba after the lion king - of course.
* I hate to cook - love to eat out.
* I drink nespresso - favorite coffee colors; purple, gold and yellow.
* My kids are my best friends and my biggest source of inspiration.
* I´m a Canon girl.
* I visit flickr every day.
* My Iphone is almost glued to my hand...I never text, but take a ton of photos.
* I´m addicted to instagram and pinterest.
* My favorite thing to shoot is close up portraits - I love faces.
* I lived 7 years in Bruxelles, Belgium.
* I lived 3 years in Oslo, Norway.
* I now live in my childhood neighborhood in Denmark.
* I dream about living in New York or Barcelona.
* I work from home and love being near my kids if they need me.
* I work a lot...
* I used to be a very talented dancer.
* My oldest daughter is also a photographer and study photography in school.
* I wish to visit Iceland, Thailand, California and Australia.
* My husband is a house/lounge DJ - we both love music.
* My daughter is also a DJ and plays in clubs in the weekends.
* I don´t know how I ever lived without my mac - I hate pc/windows.
* I have a cross trainer and a treadmill in my bedroom - I struggle to use them.
* I´m always 5 kilos overweight and love chocolate.
* I have chronic back pain 24/7 but I decided it should never control my life.
* I love food photography, design and interior decoration.
* I want to collect coffee table books, but they are so expensive.
* I live in a yellow house.
* I drink a lot of smoothies - they taste best if they are with apples, lime, ginger and mynthe.
* I love to stay in my pj all day...
* I believe in mindfulness, meditation and Buddhas way of seeing life.
* I never watch the news or read a newspaper.
* I don´t watch much TV but I see a lot of movies.
* I do love Sex and the city and watch it over and over again.
* I always wear a dress, mascara and earrings.
* I started to get grey hair...ufff...sigh...I cover it up with hair color!!!!
* I get depressed when it´s my birthday...I don´t wanna be older....
* My husband is the most clever man I know, with an IQ at 173 I can ask him everything and he knows...smile..
* I refuse to take an IQ test and I suck at math and numbers!
* I never want my kids to leave home!
* I dream about lots of grandchildren.
* I´m very thankful for every one out there who reads my blog and follow me on Facebook.
* Humor, kindness and love is everything!

My oldest daughter Maja, 18 - photographer student, art magazine editor and DJ.
Takes picture with canon analog and a diana.

My son Marco, 12 - loves to draw, skate and play with Simba. 

My daughter Camilla, 14 - Loves theater/acting, dance, music. Shoots with a Canon 550D.

Mr. Dj loves his music - he has passion for design and furnitures. He runs an international design company. 

Simba - loves kiddos, puppies and walks in the woods.